Monday, December 15, 2008


It is mentioned in Bukhari as narrated by Anas bin Malik that when the prophet migrated to Madina area he stayed in Quba for fourteen days in the tribe of Banu Amr. He then proceeded to Madina. He arrived in Madina in the area of Banu Najjar near the house of Abu Ayyub Ansari. The prophet intended to build a mosque there. This land was owned by two orphans Sahl and Suhail. The prophet asked Abu Bakr to pay ten dinars to them for the land. The prophet laid down the foundation of this mosque during Rabi-ul-awwal 1 H. It's dimensions were about 35 x 30 meters. The foundation was laid with stones and the walls were built of unbaked bricks. Columns were made of trunks of palm trees and the roof was covered by branches of palm trees. It had three doors. One door was in the southern wall which was closed after the change of Qiblah. As a result of this a new door was opened in the northern wall. Other two doors were Bab Rahmah in the western wall and Bab Jibreel in the eastern wall.

The prophet personally took part in the construction activities of this mosque. He was reciting the following while carrying the stones with his own hands :

i.e. O Allah, the good done for the Day of Judgement is the real good. Please help the Mohajreen and Ansar.

Before the arrival of the prophet in Madina, Musab bin Omair used to lead the salat at this spot. In his absence Asad bin Zarara used to lead the salat at this place.

As mentioned in Bukhari and narrated by Abada bin Samat, the Ansar came to prophet and offered a large amount of their wealth for decoration of the mosque. The prophet said," I do not want to be different from my brother Musa. A cottage like the cottage of Musa is sufficient for us." Hence the prophet preferred a simple mosque and encouraged more and more people to pray there. On the contrary, we have very decorative mosques these days with very little attendance there on the regular basis.


After the prophet return from the battle of Khyber, he ordered to expand the mosque during Muharram 7H. Width was increased by 20 meters and the length by 15 meters. The new dimensions became 50 x 50 m2. The northern boundary of the mosque was where the Turkish construction ends in this direction. On the west side its boundary was five columns west of the pulpit. You will see written on each column there ' The boundary of prophet's mosque'. The foundation was laid with stones and the walls were built of unbaked mud bricks like before. The column were made of palm tree and the roof was covered by branches of palm trees. The height of the roof was increased from 2.5 meters to 3.5 meters. Caliph Osman paid for the land or this addition of the mosque.
Qushairi narrated that when the enemies surrounded Caliph Osman's house, he said to them," do you recall when the the prophet said," who will purchase the land for the extensions of the mosque and be rewarded with paradise?" I purchased the land for the addition of mosque from my personal funds. Today you don't permit me even to offer my salat there." ( Tirmidhi ).


As mentioned in Baihaqi and narrated by Abdulla bin Omar, some of the columns of trunks of trees got worn out. Abu Bakr replaced them with similar columns and covered the roof with branches of palm tree.

Next post >>>Extension by Caliph Omar Farooq.

Imtiaz Ahmad Reminders for People of Understanding